By Xiaoyu (Mia) Ren
When grape growers take a well-deserved rest at the end of the harvest season, it is the most optimum moment to perform an insightful review of what has happened in the orchard over the season. As a result, the spray diary becomes an important tool when we examine what was done throughout the season and investigate what may be done to improve it for the following season.
Spray diary is an agrochemical record of the sprays applied to the entire vineyard throughout the growing season including the block name(s), varieties, growth stages and the order in which they were sprayed; the weather conditions under which it was carried out; and the chosen label rate of registered agrochemicals used as well as its intended target pests(Spray Diary -The Australian Wine Research Institute, 2021). By following this, the grower should satisfy the maximum residue limit (MRL) listed in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code both on grapes and through winemaking.
Example of a spray diary

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