
eBottli Traceability Food Wine Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Supply Chain

De Fazio Wines

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Written by Sophie Ling De Fazio was first established in 1864 and has been a family-owned winery for generations. The De Fazio winery traces back to Castagna, located south in Italy, a region which is known for utilising traditional wine… Read More »De Fazio Wines

eBottli Traceability Food Wine Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Supply Chain

Lost Wolf Wines

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Written by Sophie Ling A company that was begun in the 1990’s, Lost Wolf Winery regard themselves as a family wine. Wolf Viergever started his career in the packaging industry and making labels. In the 1990’s an opportunity came along… Read More »Lost Wolf Wines

corks vs Screw caps debate

Cork vs Screw Cap

36 billion bottles of wine are produced each year, and 65-80 per cent are closed with cork. So why are so many wineries using cork?

eBottli Traceability

New Australian technology to help prevent trillion-dollar losses in the wine industry

New Australian technology to help prevent trillion dollar losses in wine industry A new Australian-developed technology suite called eBottli has launched, with the potential to defend our wine export industry against the booming global trade in counterfeit wines. EBottli delivers… Read More »New Australian technology to help prevent trillion-dollar losses in the wine industry

eBottli Traceability Food Wine Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Supply Chain

Bec Hardy Wines

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Sitting with Richard Dolan, Joint Managing Director of Bec Hardy Wines – overlooking the sun kissed Tipsy Hill vineyard in the Blewitt Springs sub-region of McLaren Vale. Richard and his wife Bec Hardy acquired the pocket-sized vineyard in 2016. Richard is very interested in exploring the feasibility of acquiring more vineyards in the “up… Read More »Bec Hardy Wines

eBottli Traceability Food Wine Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Supply Chain

Rockford Wines

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Visiting the Barossa Valley to enjoy some of its magnificent wine is nothing short of a rewarding experience. You’ll stumble across some of the passionate industry workers that never tire to further open your eyes to the wonderful world that is traditional Australian wine. Each drop tells a unique story that the winemaker has expressed from… Read More »Rockford Wines

eBottli Traceability Food Wine Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Supply Chain

Dewey Station Wines

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  Written by Daphna Torres At Dewey Station Wines, they believe that there is nothing of greater importance in life than family and this is reflected in the meaning behind their name. Many generations of the Dewey Family men worked in… Read More »Dewey Station Wines